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  • Writer's pictureSusan Fisch Good

My diary -April 18-20, 1972

Renzo El Gitano
Renzo El Gitano - Wikipedia

Walter Mercado
Walter Mercado, telenovela era - Wikipedia

Walter Mercado
Walter Mercado in later years - Wikipedia

April 18, 1972 Tues.

Dear Diary: 

Anjas moms twins were girls one 8 lbs the other 7 lbs. Huge! No identical through. Junior Highs having Achievement test so we have English in Mrs. Tabladas room. There are just about 4 big tables & everyone sits around them so were no having any test. P.E. no exercise. Mary’s doing it with Chiu & I. I had my tennis lesson with David. I did my homework. I watched T.V. All my novelas are good. Newest is Renzo, el Gitano, then Amor tiene Cara de Mujer. & the Lucia Sombra!


Note: I loved my telenovelas (soap operas), especially because they usually only lasted a few months to a year from beginning to end. Researching, I found out that one of the actors in Renzo, el Gitano (Renzo the Gypsy) was a young Walter Mercado. In later years he became a Puerto Rican television celebrity providing astrological predictions. His show was broadcast in Latin America. I remember watching it sometimes when I lived in Puerto Rico and years later on Telemundo when I visited my parents in Florida. He was quite entertaining!

April 19, 1972 Wed.

Dear Diary: 

Math test! I flunked it. Well I’m writing this 3 days later so I don’t remember everything. I stayed for Glee Club. The songs are real good. Well when I came home I did the History homework & then started learning on taking out English words & looking up the definitions. I watched T.V. & studied. I memorized 80 definitions & read book onces & [illegible] I hope I pass. Tired.


Note: I perfected the art of making a flashcard game to memorize vocabulary, whether for an English or Spanish test. 

The 5 Fisches
David, Becky, Dad, Mom and Me, 2006
50th Anniversary
50th Anniversary Party

April 20, 1972 Thurs.

Dear Diary:

English test hard! P.E. Chui & I did our shedule. I got a B+. We have to do the workbooks for Science. He’ll grade them like a test. Uh! I stayed after for typing. Came home by bus. I worked on Science. Went to Simmons for awhile. Watched T.V. Finished workbook A, B, C, D, & F. I studied for History & Science. Tomorrows Moms & Dads anniversary. They’re going to be serenated at 11:30 by office employ’s.


Note: I am unsure what our P.E. schedule was, but it was fun working with Chui.

Mom and Dad always enjoyed celebrating their anniversary. Many “naysayers” said their marriage wouldn’t last as they only knew each other for a few months. There was the issue of Mom being Roman Catholic and Dad being Jewish. Rumors also floated around about pregnancy. I was born a year and a half later. They made it work and we all celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2006.

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